I got a bit more money when I sold mine...

For better or worse, not all of us can be Sam Witwicky, swapping spit with Megan Fox and attempting to foil galactic evil robots taking the form of common automobiles. But then, there's nothing common about this particular automobile. It's the actual Saleen Mustang that played the part of Barricade from the first Transformers movie. And one lucky collector just got his hands on it.

One of only three made, this 2005 Mustang was built specially by Saleen and further outfitted by the props gurus at DreamWorks SKG for the film. The car started life as a Saleen S281 Extreme, with a 4.6-liter V8 and five-speed shifter, before being turned into the rolling Decepticon, for which the studio added a push bar, emergency light kit, white doors and decals aplenty. With only 4,550 miles on the odometer, minimal wear and tear, and unsurpassed bragging rights, bidding started on the Barricade Saleen at $1000 and the car sold at $36k – a far cry from the $100,000 - $300,000 they wanted.

Source: Autoblog


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